VFMC Climate Change Position Statement
VFMC believes the impacts and effects of climate change are systemic in nature and pose widespread risks to human and societal wellbeing, ecological health and resilience, and to the wider economy.
VFMC supports the aim of both the COP26 and 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees (moving toward 1.5 degrees) to minimise the worst impacts of climate change. In doing so, VFMC makes the following commitments:
- Achieve net zero portfolio greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
- Undertake engagement with investee companies on their decarbonisation efforts and transition pathways
- Support climate positive investments that not only provide strong financial returns, but also help drive the economy’s transition towards net-zero emissions
Climate Action 100+ company engagement with Qantas and BlueScope Steel
VMFC joined the Climate Action 100+ initiative in April 2020 and is now part of the investor groups actively engaging with Qantas and BlueScope Steel to encourage the companies put in place business strategies and targets to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, bolster climate disclosure and improve governance arrangements on climate change.