Carbon neutral across our business operations
Pendal aims to be carbon neutral across our business operations and to achieve Climate Active Certification – this includes developing and implementing a program to reduce emissions where we can, with offsets only used as a last resort.
Develop a Group-level Net Zero ambition and decarbonisation strategy
Develop a Group-level Net Zero ambition and decarbonisation strategy that aligns our FUM with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. This strategy will be part of our broader Climate Change Action Plan
Climate Action 100+ engagement
Regnan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pendal Group, also continues to support the involvement of its clients in CA100+ as well as running a number of collaborative thematic engagements on climate-related risks. This includes engagement with specific companies on their own opportunities to reduce emissions as well as their potential contributions in reducing emissions elsewhere within their value chain and the system as a whole
Corporate Engagement program on Climate Change
Pendal actively engages with portfolio companies both directly and in collaboration with other industry actors. This action builds on Pendal’s existing commitment to Climate Action 100+ (CA100+). Pendal joined CA100+ in 2018 and is part of the investor groups engaging Santos to reduce emissions across their value chain, consistent with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C. Pendal Group is also part of the CA100+ Oil & Gas Working Group that provides additional support to sector-related engagement, so investors have informed company engagements with oil and gas companies to meet the initiative goals.
Climate Action 100+ engagement
Pendal Group joined Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) in 2018 and is part of the investor groups engaging Santos to reduce emissions across their value chain, consistent with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C, as well as improving governance and strengthening climate-related disclosures. Pendal Group is also part of the CA100+ Oil & Gas Working Group that provides additional support to sector-related engagement, so investors have informed company engagements with oil and gas companies to meet the initiative goals.
Regnan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pendal Group, also continues to support the involvement of its clients in CA100+ as well as running a number of collaborative thematic engagements on climate-related risks. This includes engagement with specific companies on their own opportunities to reduce emissions as well as their potential contributions in reducing emissions elsewhere within their value chain and the system as a whole.