Seeking real world emissions reduction
IFM’s Climate Change Strategy underpins our commitment to net zero by 2050. We are currently working on a number of initiatives including making enhancements to corporate level governance and processes, reflecting recent changes to best practice, and working with each asset class to:
- enhance emissions baselines and improving data quality
- enhance due diligence processes and climate risk assessment frameworks
- confirm interim 2030 emissions reduction targets
For FY22 we are committed to supporting Australian asset owners to meet their decarbonisation goals and objectives by:
- Reviewing and extending our listed company engagement strategy and escalation process
- Developing and offering a low carbon or transition focused fund or strategy
- Working to increase the proportion of energy from renewable sources used by the Australian assets in our unlisted portfolios.
Setting emissions reduction targets for individual assets in IFM’s Australian infrastructure portfolio
During FY2019, IFM Investors worked closely with its major Australian infrastructure assets and co-owners to establish emissions reduction targets and pathways through to 2030.
IFM developed a Carbon Emission Reduction and Energy Efficiency Framework, which aims to assist assets to prepare for and transition to a low carbon economy by:
- Establishing an energy and emissions baseline;
- Developing targets for energy and carbon emission reductions and associated emissions reduction initiatives;
- Including sustainable design principles in major capital works; and
- Encourage assets to identify and deploy energy efficiency opportunities and new technologies.
At March 2019, emissions reduction targets have been established for 7 major assets comprising 90% of the Australian infrastructure portfolio value and 98% of the portfolio’s total scope 1 and 2 emissions.
IFM’s asset management team will monitor and assess progress, engaging with assets to help ensure they remain on track.